Story of a Girl

Not quite yuppie, not quite hippie, not quite poor, not quite rich. A little quiet, a little loud, a little shy, a little crazy. Conservative in some ways, liberal in others. First real job, first real relationship, first time living on my own, outside of college dorms. Young, excited, figuring out life, love, and religion. I am a girl, and this is my story.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Life goes on

My grandfather turned 85 the other day. This is hugely exciting, not only because it's a milestone sort of number, but also because only a month ago, we weren't sure he was going to make it to this day. Right before the new year, he got very sick and ended up in the ER, having a hard time breathing. He was diagnosed with pneumonia, they thought he may have had a minor heart attack (how can a heart attack be minor?) and he couldn't breathe on his own. Add to this the fact that his body was already weak from dealing with Parkinson's for the last four years, and you have one very ill grandpa. Thankfully, after a few weeks of intense hospital care (thank G-d for the amazing nurses and doctors), grandpa was well enough to relocate to a rehab center. He still couldn't do much for himself, and his mind was fairly fuzzy, especially in the evenings, but he wasn't in immediate danger any longer.

Now, the people at the rehab center want to discharge grandpa next week. I would be happy about this, but it brings up the issue of what to do now. We (mom, dad, grandma, and I) aren't sure if it would be a good idea to bring grandpa home. He still can't stand up without a fairly strong person helping him, and grandma is a tiny (though quite fierce) woman. Through sheer willpower, I'm sure she could manage, but at what cost? We don't want her to ruin her health, either, and if she tries to take care of grandpa on her own, that's what will happen. Grandma is also quite stubborn (that's where mom, sister, and I all get it, I think), and refuses to even consider moving in with mom and dad. So, the options are to try and find a person that could live with them (where? Their apartment is tiny and grandma is against moving) or put grandpa in the Jewish nursing home, which has a really good reputation, but is a nursing home nonetheless. There are pros and cons to both options, but it's all very depressing. I wish I were 5 again sometimes, and could just pretend none of this had anything to do with me, but I can't. On the other hand, I'm glad that this happened now and not a year ago, when I wasn't in the Bay Area and couldn't be near my family.

Decisions will be made and things will figure themselves out, I know. I'm glad I'm here and able to visit grandpa and provide support to the rest of the family. I wish this wasn't so hard, but life is never easy, is it? Happy birthday, grandpa, and many more.