Story of a Girl

Not quite yuppie, not quite hippie, not quite poor, not quite rich. A little quiet, a little loud, a little shy, a little crazy. Conservative in some ways, liberal in others. First real job, first real relationship, first time living on my own, outside of college dorms. Young, excited, figuring out life, love, and religion. I am a girl, and this is my story.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Starting it off right

Well, I suppose as a first post, I shall have to do some kind of an introduction. It seems a little cliche, but also somewhat needed. So here is a brief summary of me, and why this blog is here. Not too much detail, since I'll write more about my life as the blog goes on, but just a quick description to get things started.

Who am I? I am a 20-something, recent grad of Good Public University. I live in the wonderful city of San Francisco and work in An Interesting Area of Psychology. I wish I could say more about my work, but there aren't a huge amount of people in the same research area, and I'm going to try and remain somewhat anonymous. I have a supportive, if somewhat nutty family who all live pretty close to me, for better or worse. I dance, read, spend way more time online than is really necessary, and hang out with my boyfriend or other friends in the rest of my spare time. I'm Jewish, not super religious but growing in faith. I want to go graduate school, eventually. I love the Bay Area and am somewhat afraid to leave.

Why the blog? I struggle with a lot of different things in my head, some inherent contradictions, and some just issues that I'm not sure what to do with. I want to get them out there, up for discussion, maybe, but just in the open and out of my head. I find that it's easier to deal with things when they're not rolling around in the dark corners of the brain but are, instead, out and solid and not so intimidating anymore.

There are a lot of topics I want to blog about, but to give a preview, here are a few.
  • Balancing religion with life in a very liberal city.
  • Being "in the middle" with all my friends: more conservative than many, more liberal than some, with no one who really agrees with a lot of my views.
  • Being in a relationship I know isn't forever, yet wanting a forever sort of thing.
  • Working, playing, and figuring out a good balance between the two.
  • Dealing with family who wants to treat me as if I'm still a teenager, not a college grad with a job and a life.
  • and more, I'm sure.
Well, I suppose that's all for know. Welcome, if anyone is reading this!


At 3:11 PM, Blogger Moishe said...

You're off to a good start. Welcome to the world of blogs.

At 1:43 PM, Blogger eve said...

Thanks, Moishe! It's a slightly scary world, but off I go, right?

At 8:44 PM, Blogger Eliyahu said...

go. girl. may you be blessed on your journey, and find great joy in life, if not in blogland.

At 11:05 AM, Blogger eve said...

Aww, thanks Eliyahu...What a nice thing to say!

At 7:03 AM, Blogger Scraps said...

Welcome to Bloggerland. Sounds like you have an interesting story to tell, looking forward to hearing more. :)

If it helps to know (because misery loves company), a lot of people at this age are going through the same sort of things, trying to figure out where we are in life, trying to convince our well-meaning parents that we don't need them holding our hands to cross the street anymore, etc. It's not an easy time in life.

At 10:14 AM, Blogger eve said...

Scraps, your comment reminds me of a psych prof of mine who used to say, "misery loves miserable company," because, as he put it, people not only want company, but company that's having the same issues we are. But yeah, it's good to know other people are dealing with similar things. It isn't easy, but it's a fun time of life, nonetheless.


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